We’d love to have you as a volunteer! If you’d like to join us, read through this Code of Conduct (updated July 2024) and then click “Agree and Sign Up” below to volunteer for your preferred date, time and task! Questions? Email info@tropiccinema.com.
* I will seek to abide faithfully by Tropic Cinema policies.
* I will represent and seek to serve the best interests of the Tropic Cinema organization.
* While representing the Tropic at all Tropic and Tropic-related functions, whether internally or externally, I will not use offensive language or engage in harassment. If I become aware of harassment, I will report it to Tropic staff.
* I will not discuss politics or religion during my shift.
* I will be respectful of other individuals within the Tropic, including volunteers, employees, members, and customers. That said, the Tropic does not tolerate any form of intimidation or harassment, and neither should volunteers, employees, members, or customers who witness actions and words which fall under those categories. The Tropic reserves the right to dismiss any individual engaging in intimidation or harassment.
* I will dress in a professional yet casual manner (unless otherwise instructed) for all shifts. No tank tops. I understand working in concessions requires closed-toed shoes.
* I will focus on the job at hand (i.e. no cellphone conversations.)
* Alcohol consumption is prohibited during shifts.
* I will give a 48-hour notice for all shift cancellations.
* I will work the entirety of my shift, not leaving my department, unless an emergency comes up requiring me to leave.
* I will strive to avoid, either by action or by communication, anything that will tend to embarrass or disparage Tropic Cinema.
* I will respect the confidentiality of all personal information I come across.
* I will be respectful of issues within the Tropic that are confidential. I will not release information to the media or other persons.
* I understand that I will receive 1 movie and 1 concession voucher per shift completed.
* I understand I cannot use my voucher to “purchase” a ticket until 30 minutes before the movie/event.
* I understand that I will receive a fountain drink and employee popcorn to be eaten during my shift.
* I understand that I cannot come in prior or after my shift to hang out/watch a movie unless a voucher is used. I am either a customer or a volunteer.
* I understand that the rules of the Tropic are subject to change without advanced notice.